Ta~Talks Blog

Let me start this by saying you guys are seriously amazing with all your love and support! We haven’t yet heard back from The Big Find to see what the future holds, but sharing all the deets of this journey is such a blast…so here goes. I think we left off with getting the email that we were selected as finalists… Seeing my moms face on the phone when I
QVC was always a household name growing up. Whenever my mom watched TV when we were little, it was either soap operas or QVC and HSN. And now I gotta tell ya, I love them, too! Not soap operas😂 but home shopping! Somethin about it. So get this, when we started making WAEbands a few years back, my mom was ordering something online on QVC and saw an ad for
Teacher assignments came in the mail while we were on vacation down the cape. We pulled in the driveway and everyone dispersed. Bubbs and Chuck ran to the mailbox, excitedly hauling ass back ripping open envelopes. Braelyn popped on her chrome book to log in and see her very first HS schedule. She started texting friends to see what classes they shared. The kids asked me to text their friends
I feel like a fortune cookie. Confucius says: Life is short. Eat the cookie. Taren says: Life is long. Eat the cookie. Do the burpees. Drink the water. Read the book. Do the meditation. Get the sleep. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I was laughing the other day as my mom, sister and I we’re chatting on our morning run. We always use that time to vent about our families #truth
I grab my purse and toss it over my shoulder. I make sure the gate is closed so the dog doesn’t poop on the carpet. I step outside and panic for a second making sure I have my keys. It’s actually embarrassing how many times I have locked us out of the house. My hands are full. Like, WHY am I always carrying 1002 things out the door. Most times,
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