Ta~Talks Blog

Speeeeeeding thru life… This morning was the type where you schedule yourself to be in multiple places at once, knowing it’s going to rushed and crazy, but still make all the commitments because you can’t just say NO. Yup. That was me. Hauling ass here and there and getting ready to drive an hour away to catch the second half of one of Bubbs soccer games. And then it happened.
I was thinking this morning of some of the things I’ve done this year to vastly improve my mindset and mental well being while also helping me detach from societal norms. 10/10 recommend👏🏻👏🏻 ALL of it has to do with CONSUMING!! Which I didn’t even notice until I started writing this! I knew I had to share with you because if you’re reading this, that means you are someone who
I have been doing some deeeeep healing shiz lately, really heightening the awareness of my internal dialogue. As much as I have grown and shifted, there are still some sticking points with where my thoughts go. I’m not good enough. I’m not strong enough. That’s not meant for me. You aren’t as fit as you were before so that means you’re weak. The only way you can really be healthy
Every Family has a Story❤️ That is how Ron Hoffman, founder of CCALS, began his chat at our pre-race dinner for the Falmouth Road Race. It was the first time since 2019 that we were able to get together the night before the race to connect and share a meal together as we geared up to run for those who can’t! It was so emotional, in joy for seeing people
When we shout from the rooftops what we love, we have more of an opportunity to embrace it! We were down in Falmouth with the fam gearing up to run the Road Race on Sunday! Friday night, I snuck back home to pick up Nick after work to eliminate having 2 cars down here. Whilst on the drive, I got 2 texts of the sunset. One from Kate, the other
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