We are SO EXCITED to offer the WAE Tribe a variety of RETREATS to experience! Information and registration for the upcoming events are below:

Winter Healing Retreat

Join us for a 4-hour retreat at our cottages on Saturday, January 25th, from 10am-2pm! Let’s get warm, cozy and focus on the healing we can intend in this winter season.

Our retreat will begin with yoga and meditation. We will then make healing globes as a part of intention setting for this season of life.

After our creating sesh, we will do personal card readings and every attendee will enjoy a mini private reiki session in the reiki cottage!

Light refreshments will be served!

We are so excited to spend this time with you! We have space for 10 attendees!

Cost $150


If you have any additional questions, please email us at

You can also call or text us @ (508)838-1190

Love, Bernie, Taren & Kate

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This e-book was created to help you develop a daily practice of peace. In it, you will find the 5 steps to start your day ELEVATED! Love, The WAE Team xo
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