When we shout from the rooftops what we love, we have more of an opportunity to embrace it!

We were down in Falmouth with the fam gearing up to run the Road Race on Sunday! Friday night, I snuck back home to pick up Nick after work to eliminate having 2 cars down here.

Whilst on the drive, I got 2 texts of the sunset. One from Kate, the other from Meggie. They know how much I LOVE a sunset moment so they took the time to share it with me. It was a stunna!!

Buy guys, this sort of thing happens a LOT. I share sunrise and sunset moments often. I love the simplicity of a sky lit up. How fast it happens and changes. It’s awe inspiring peeps!! I share about my love for this often, which results in people sharing gorg sky pics with me. They know I will soak it right up with them!!

So even if my current view isn’t an epic skyline, I am still able to embrace it when someone else shares it with me! How cool is that?!

The more we put out to the universe what we love, the more opportunities we have to experience it!! What a GIFT!!

The same thing happened with my mom and her hearts!! She first saw a heart in a time of despair in her life. It was such a profound reminder for her to focus on the LOVE. After that, she began seeing hearts EVERYWHERE and now she has people almost DAILY send her hearts that they see in their travels!!

The moral of this story is what we THINK about, we BRING about. What we SPEAK can truly come into existence, so choose your thoughts and your words kindly!!

It’s as simple as a sunset or a heart rock, but think about how grand it really can be!

You are safe to speak into life what you LOVE and DESIRE! It just may change your life😘

And I may have missed the sunset that night, but I got to catch a few sunrises and sunsets this weekend and that was pretty incredible!!

Much love, Ta xo

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