Less Consuming. More Connecting.
I’ve been trying to figure out why I feel “off” lately and this is it. My consumption of information, content and basically the lives of everyone else has sort of limited my own ability to EXPAND.
So, I have decided to take a social media break. I don’t have a timeline for how long (I have done that before, for a week at a time) and I’m gonna be real. I AM TERRIFIED.
You might be like, WHYYYY, it’s just socials?! It’s because for the last 10 years or so I have used my personal platforms to BUILD…myself, my business, my skill set. As a small business owner it’s so imperative to have a social media presence, right?! Taking a step away from that seems CRAZY!
{Not to worry, Kate and my mom will still be holding the fort down on the Find Your WAE accounts as I do this self exploration work.}
But honestly, I am normally the one creating the marketing plan, breaking down content and post ideas for the 3 of us, planning our event schedule, etc. Stepping away means taking a detour from those tasks and it feels uncomfortable!
Yet the inner discomfort can’t continue being sacrificed. On our family vaca, I had an afternoon where everyone else wanted to hang at the pool and the ocean was calling me. So I just sat with myself on the beach. In that break, I got a message from the universe to take THIS BREAK. That in order to really grow and learn, I need to do something different.
As I sat and just let the intuition flow, I realized I LOVE socials because it gives me a space to write, share and connect with you. And THAT I want to continue doing!
I have written on here from time to time over the years and I want to use THIS SPACE as my feed. I get to share the goodness that comes from a place so much bigger than ME!!
But I still haven’t shared what scares me the most with all of this. YES I will still have this place to share and fulfill what I believe is a part of my purpose, BUT I will be missing out on what you have happening in YOUR LIFE. That’s the biggest reason for holding onto socials so tight.
So here I am, trusting the gut, letting go of the chokehold and just taking a break because maybe I won’t see your posts or life updates, but I would LOVE if you still share them with me!!
You can send me emails (we also have an email list you can hop on for updates, upcoming events, etc) or text me…I am keeping FB messenger as a means of chatting with peeps if we don’t have each others digits.
I am sharing this to say✌🏼for now on socials, and also encourage you to take action. You don’t know until you KNOW, and you learn when you DO. Even if that means doing less!! I hope you follow along the journey HERE on the •TA TALKS• blog and I’ll see ya when I see ya😘
Much Love, Ta xo