I have been doing some deeeeep healing shiz lately, really heightening the awareness of my internal dialogue. As much as I have grown and shifted, there are still some sticking points with where my thoughts go.
I’m not good enough.
I’m not strong enough.
That’s not meant for me.
You aren’t as fit as you were before so that means you’re weak.
The only way you can really be healthy is if you do an overhaul right now.
All of it. Honestly when these thoughts come up, I acknowledge them and then dismiss them. I often replace them with something that really serves my highest and best. Not my ego!!
So, I decided to try something radically different. Instead of changing a bunch of tasks and things to do or not do, I’m gonna go ALL IN on deeply changing my thoughts. Correcting them. Redirecting them. Reframing them. Like I’ve been doing for years, but more than ever before!
I pulled an affirmation card this morning that said this exact mantra, and this is what I’m rollin with…
“I love and accept myself exactly as I am. I am whole. I am healed.”
Hot damn that’s powerful!
You might be like, ok, you’re just gonna say that and it will be all sunshine and rainbows?!
Guys, why do we assume it needs to be harder than that?! Because that’s what we were taught? Conditioned to believe? Programmed to think that the only thing that elicits change is absurdly hard effort, pain and sacrifice?
Our thoughts are the MOST POWERFUL thing about us. So OF COURSE they are going to impact our life!!!!
Remember how I said I was doing the deep healing?! Yeah. This is it. Saying this, feeling it into every cell of my being, embracing it as the ultimate truth, encapsulating it as the slogan of my life right now.
Deep peeps.
The biggest way to really change your life is to change your mind about it. It feels freeing to surrender. To let go of the need to control every outcome of my life, reach every goal by a certain time, check off every box and let the universe do her thang while I do mine.
“I love and accept myself exactly as I am. I am whole. I am healed.”
Nuff said.
Much love, Ta xo