When I grow up, I wanna be a stay at home mom and at home daycare provider turned work from home mom who is a reiki practitioner, online wellness coach, lifestyle mentor, writer and blogger, who also handmakes WAEbands and teaches people to stand in their light. 😳

You’re probably not ever gonna find that listing posted for a job opportunity. Now hiring: đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž

I don’t have an official job title because my job combines a huge variety of things and it’s my own. But I don’t wanna get ahead of myself here…let me take it back to when I was 10. If someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would have said marine biologist. Or a teacher. And then that eventually turned into a psychologist.

Ask any kid in your life right now what they see for their future. Police officer, artist, movie star, astronaut, fire fighter, the president, a lawyer or doctor, a plumber or builder, professional athlete or you-tuber. I love the innocence combined with unwavering belief when kids talk about what they one day may become! They know they can do anything!

And then we grow up. Life gets more challenging. We get beaten down. We have one person somewhere along the line who doesn’t believe in us, and we lose all faith that we can be or do all things. We settle. We go to school and get the job that pays the bills. We take the safe route instead of the soul filling route. We live the way we think we are supposed to.

Now I’m not saying this happens to every human, I know that it doesn’t. But it’s a reality for many and here’s why: we are told that we need to be prepared and secure and “do the right thing.” But often times, the right thing is really what is expected of us, not what we truly desire!

I went to college. I got the degree. I applied for the jobs. 3 different places had offered me an entry level position in the field of psychology as a fresh college grad. But conventional wasn’t right for me from the start. I didn’t realize it yet, but my plan was supposed to be different. And if not for my brand new baby girl, I may never have gotten the opportunity to walk this path.

See, I was married and became a mama before I even finished college. So as I was applying for these jobs, I had this pit in my stomach. What about Brae?! Was I going to put her in daycare all day? Was I going to only see my kids for 3 hours a day? I knew that was a totally normal thing to do, but something inside just didn’t feel right. I looked into my baby’s big blue eyes and I just knew I was supposed to be with her.

That choice was HUGE you guys…and not because I became a stay at home mom, but because that choice led me here to this blog right now. Hang with me…

As I declined the positions, I just so happened to have a giant family that always needed childcare assistance. So there it was. Before I even understood the power of the universe providing, I had an opportunity to be home AND make an income to help support our new fam. I was not nearly in the headspace I am these days so I didn’t even realize the magnitude, and I just continued on. 2 more babies for us, and lots of adorable kiddos in and out of our house, I had been able to be there for my kids in a way that I will always be grateful for.

But still something felt off. I would often sit during nap time and wonder what the heck I was going to do when all my kids went to school all day. Was I still gonna do daycare?! I mean, the whole reason for it was to be home with my kids. Did I want to open up a daycare center? Did I want to go back and get my masters? Did I want to get a “real” job? All those thoughts crossed my mind because I had this nagging urge to “do the right things.” I had this degree that I wasn’t using and this feeling like being a mom wasn’t good enough.

Man oh man, I didn’t have a CLUE! But I was getting closer.

During this time, I was experiencing a huge shift in my life, although it didn’t seem so profound in the moment. Guys, if you haven’t noticed, this is a recurring theme. We don’t always see the bigger picture when we are standing smack dab in the middle of the frame.

I began working on my mind, our family started learning more about meditation and reiki, I started an at home workout program. I started helping other people workout from home and get healthy. And then my mom tied a tank top on her head. Which then became the WAEband. So many small steps that ended up evolving into massive change.

I was still questioning what I wanted to be when I grew up, as I was BECOMING the person I was meant to as a grown up.

Whoa, right?!

Literally ALL of the pieces of my internal self work became a part of my new career right under my nose without me even REALIZING it!! So now when I look back, it all makes so much sense. Even when it felt challenging or confusing in the moment, every choice led me to this moment right now! Writing the last few bits of this blog in the parking lot of my sons school before pick up time!

I know that sounds super clichĂ©, but it’s for real. The whole purpose of this blog is to share my story simply to give you something to relate to. Maybe you’re feeling totally stuck in your career or marriage or life and you aren’t sure what the next step is.

Here’s my advice…stop worrying about what the future is going to look like and start working on who you are right here in this moment! Work on your mind. Work on your body. Start praying. Start journaling. Start eating better. Turn off the news and turn on a podcast. Start being kinder to yourself and others. All of those tiny little things will bring you closer to you answer. I PROMISE you that. It’s where you will find clarity, and all of a sudden, things will start shifting.

I can honestly tell you that I never intended on becoming a business owner. I never had any desire to stand on a stage and speak to people. I never imagined I would handmake headbands. I never loved writing. I never cared a lot about wellness. I never knew what reiki was. And those are some massive pieces to my job.

Oh yeah, I mentioned that earlier. My job description is kinda wacky, right?! But it’s MINE. It doesn’t have to be anyone else’s, because it’s my own. It fits my life perfectly and it’s allowed me to become the person I’m here to be.

You job doesn’t have to fit the mold. It doesn’t have to be what anyone else wants it to be. It should serve you, it should serve others and it should serve a purpose. Stop worrying so much about the how’s and the why’s and just start with YOU!

That’s where you will find the answer to everything you are seeking.

Can’t wait to hear what you’re gonna be when you grow up đŸ™đŸ»đŸ˜˜

Much love,
Ta xox

PS…if you guys are in need of some help with your energy and getting clarity, we have a class this Saturday at 9am called Energy Clearing 101. We will teach you some really cool techniques! And as always, reiki sessions, workouts and meditation classes are in full swing and can be the perfect small step to take for YOU! 😘😘

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