Felt this deep in my heart and had to share…

To the mom dragging your screaming kid out of Target, I will never judge you and you are loved. Sometimes it’s like wrestling an alligator taking your kids to run errands. Let’s be real, I sometimes wanna scream and cry when I can’t get everything I want at Target. Maybe moms should start throwing fits, too?!🤣

To the mom who wears earbuds at the supermarket just so no one will talk to her or ducks a corner when she sees an old friend from high school, I will never judge you and you are loved. I understand that sometimes you just need to be alone and not engage in small talk that can feel so difficult. That places like the grocery store can drum up so much anxiety for having to have conversations that feel energetically draining. It’s ok to not want to talk.

To the mom who forgets it’s picture day or forgets a birthday party or forgets the “party in a bag”, I will never judge you and you are loved. We aren’t always gonna get it right. We are allowed to forget things and make mistakes. And if anything, it will teach our kids how to forgive and be compassionate when other people mess up. It will teach them that even when we have it all together, things get thrown out of whack. We move on and hope to do better next time!

To the mom who is always rushing around like a maniac and 5 minutes late for life, I will never judge you and you are loved. We always seem to run on everyone’s else’s clock. Getting people from point A to point B, and sometimes we don’t give ourselves enough time to make it happen. Maybe we get distracted scrolling social media, maybe we oversleep, maybe we took a shower for 5 extra minutes because it just felt like the only time of the day that was calm and quiet. Maybe we just need to start saying TIME is our friend instead of saying we don’t have enough of it! Either way, I know you’re doing your best!

To the mom who goes all out on every holiday, birthday or random Tuesday for your children, I will never judge you and you are loved. The fact that you take joy from making monumental moments of magic with your children is a beautiful thing. Don’t you dare dull down your sparkle because someone else doesn’t understand it! If you love making Pinterest worthy crafts or parties or anything, you do it and do it with JOY! And post the crap out of it because if other moms roll their eyes at you, then it’s just because they feel “less than” that they don’t like doing those things.

So, to the moms that compare themselves to other moms, I will never judge you and you are loved. You aren’t supposed to be like every other mom out there. We aren’t all meant to parent the same ways, or love the same ways. We each will bring our own balance of unique gifts and ridiculous baggage to our children. We should stop comparing or judging and start applauding each other for every small win! We should always be in each other’s corners, cheering each other on, even if we don’t agree with certain things! We are kindred spirits, not meant to be compared, meant to be united in this sisterhood of mom life. It’s unlike any other thing in this crazy world! We need each other!

To the moms who are always tired, I will never judge you and you are loved. You can be tired from working all day, or just tired from thinking about all you have to actually accomplish in a day. It doesn’t matter, it’s ok if you’re tired. So make sure you carve out time for yourself because it’s not selfish. It’s 100% necessary! And the more you fill yourself up, the better you are to everyone else in your life! It’s a WIN WIN!

To the mom who takes vacations or goes on date nights all the time without your children, I will never judge you and you are loved! You GO, mama. You take that time to restore and adventure and seek solace in your own identity. Being away from your kids doesn’t mean you don’t love them. It means you know that you need time to just be YOU, and you shouldn’t be judged for that. And I can vouch for this, taking time with your partner away from the kids is SO hugely important! Even if it’s just one hour at the grocery store or a quick drink and a slice of pizza. When you’re parenting together, you need that time to connect so you can be a strong team when the kids try to come in and overthrow you 😂

And on the flip side, to the moms who never ever leave their kids because it just feels too hard, I will never judge you and you are loved. It can feel like your heart is separating from your body when your kids aren’t there, so it’s ok to want to be attached to them for a while. Let’s face it, childhood is a short amount of years, so if you want to be there for every single day, then you do that. Again, you aren’t meant to parent like anyone else. No book can tell you what your heart already feels. Follow it and do you.

To the mom who swears in front of her kids, I will never judge you and you are loved. I can talk like a truck driver, but choose not to in front of my kids. But that doesn’t make me “right” and someone else “wrong.” It doesn’t mean anything to be honest. And if my kids hear another mom swearing, they don’t even think much of it. They know that some peeps talk like that and some don’t. And it’s ok! They don’t repeat the words. At least not in front of us 😂🙄

To the mom who’s just had enough, I will never judge you and you are loved. In motherhood, there can and will always be 1003 things we can complain about. No one listens, no one helps out, no one cares about what I need, there’s never enough time… we’ve all had our moments in those messes. Know this, with every moment we can complain, there are 10 moments to be joyful about. The hugs, the love, the trust, the connection…those things will always outweigh the annoyances of motherhood. So forgive the thoughts and focus on the love. It will always win.

To the moms who are clicky, I will never judge you and you are loved. I understand how hard it can be to let people you don’t really know into your life. I know your past experiences may leave you with your guard up. I know it can seem hard to make new friends as an adult so it’s easier just to keep your circle small. Just know you are safe when you lead with your heart. So remember that. And know that there may be a mom out there who needs your light to brighten her own.

Speaking of, to the moms who are shy or feel left out, I will never judge you and you are loved. It’s not easy feeling like you don’t fit in with anyone. It’s hard feeling like the odd man out. It’s scary when you think about why other people have these amazing friend groups and you just feel alone. It just means you aren’t supposed to latch on to anyone else for self worth. And maybe it’s your chance to step up and create new relationships. Your people are out there, open yourself up and they will come running into your life!

To the mom with all the problems, I will never judge you and you are loved. I know that there are some moms who feel like they have it harder than others. You feel that way for a reason. Just know this, problems are problems no matter how big or how small, and no one’s hardships are more important that anyone else’s. Maybe some compassion for other people’s struggles will help lessen your own❤️🙏🏻

To all the moms reading this, I will never judge you and you are loved. We are in this together. I have been some version of all of these “moms” throughout the years, as I’m sure you have, too. We don’t need to be exactly the same to be connected. We just need to let go of the walls of judgement and comparison and bring the best out of one another. Think about how amazing it would be if we allowed ourselves to just be understanding of our differences and celebrate this gift of raining tiny humans!!

Much love,
Ta xox

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