SOUL FUSION~ Chapter 1


Access our SOUL FUSION class anytime and anywhere!

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  • SOULfusion is a creative blend of yoga-inspired flows, short cardio bursts, balance sequences, and strength training all set to crazy fun music.
  • It offers modifications for all levels in the group exercise environment.
  • SOULfusion improves strength, balance, flexibilty and can help improve overall fitness levels.
  • This is a PRE-RECORDED SOULfusion class that you can purchase and have access to the class ANYTIME, ANYWHERE! 
  • This option is perfect if you are unable to attend our virtual or in-studio LIVE classes.
  • Class is roughly 25 minutes long.
  • Light weights can be used.
  • Upon purchase, you will receive a link to the workout class via the email you provide at checkout.
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This e-book was created to help you develop a daily practice of peace. In it, you will find the 5 steps to start your day ELEVATED! Love, The WAE Team xo
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