Tomato Taren after the morning run today! Snapped a selfie in front of the new house❤️🙏🏻 And here’s the story of how we landed here…

In October, my mom FaceTimed me and told me their neighbor was selling their house and there were a gazillion people looking at it. She looked at me and said, “sell your house, move in here, we will all get the house and do the in-law like we always talked about.” 

I said, “😳HUH? You want the 5 of us to come live in your basement? You cray?!” 

Somethin told her to call me. Somethin told me to listen. It was a CRAZY idea, with so many reasons why we shouldn’t do it. Like a global pandemic, for one. Was the timing right? Should we wait a few years like we planned? Should we just add on here?

Well…Within a month, we moved out, had the house on the market for 3 days and had an accepted offer for 30K over asking! Sometimes you gotta go the crazy route.

WOWZA, right?! 

It all just lined up. While we busted our asses to get the house ready😂

Remember that manifesting does always take EFFORT, but not FORCE. 

K, keep that in mind! 

So we paid off some debt, started saving more money and come the spring we were READY to BUY. 

And the market was a shit show. We put in an offer, got outbid by 50 THOUSAND dollars. 

I was like WTF did we do?!😬😫 Did we make a mistake? All we can afford now is what we just sold? How are we gonna live in the basement forever?🤪

I had about 2 weeks where I wanted answers, I wanted action, I wanted a damn house and I was stomping my feet about it. Until I realized all that was gonna do is block it from happening. 

So I surrendered. I went over the list in my head of all the GOOD that came from selling and started to think about how incredible it would be to find our house. I had everyone in the fam write a list of what they wanted in the house. I envisioned it. 

A few days later, I woke up at 6am to a text from my bestie real estate agent that she sent to me at 3am. Yeah, she’s that dedicated🤣

It read, “address, bonus room can be the In-law, WAE retreats in the backyard.” 

That was it. So I searched the property. We had seen it on the market, then off the market, then on again. But it was way over our budget. 

I drove by it anyway. And then texted my bestie agent and said I wanted to see it. 

Her reply, “the sellers agent will be there at 3 today with other people who are ready to make an offer. So if you love it, you gotta take action TODAY.” 

Again. WTF! Today?! I can’t even afford this? Nick is at work? OMG. 

My parents both happened to be home (not coincidence, it’s synchronicity peeps) so they came with me. We walked in the back yard and on the patio was a Buddha statue. We walked in the house and we just knew THIS was what we were waiting for. 

We left, called the bestie, crunched the numbers, made an offer. HOLY SHIT. 

15 hours later, the offer was accepted! HOLY SHIT.

What a moment! Then we knew it was going to be a few months until closing as the sellers were building a new space. And let me tell you, little thing after little thing happened, tiny problems or hiccups, and every time it happened, I knew it was the universe asking me how much FAITH I had in this. How much did I trust ALL the guidance that let us here? 

So we kept going, kept believing that all would fall into place. 

And it did! And on closing day at our final walkthrough, the hydrangeas were in full bloom and the house key was on a lighthouse key chain. Those are 2 HUGE spiritual signs for me (see pic with my tattoo I’ve had since last year😉) so to see them in that specific moment was everything! 

We can make all the plans in the world WAE Tribe, but when we loosen the reigns and just TRUST, it brings us to a place even better than we could imagine!! 

It’s hard to let go of the control, but it’s also so FREEING! 10/10 recommend from this recovering control freak😂

If we can manifest a house, what the heck is stopping you from manifesting your dreams?! 

I bet the only thing holding you back are the thoughts you have that you CAN’T DO IT.  



Much love, Ta xoxo

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