Every Family has a Story❤️
That is how Ron Hoffman, founder of CCALS, began his chat at our pre-race dinner for the Falmouth Road Race. It was the first time since 2019 that we were able to get together the night before the race to connect and share a meal together as we geared up to run for those who can’t!
It was so emotional, in joy for seeing people we haven’t in a while, and also heart aching to meet new people who are living with ALS or dealing with losses from this disease.
Because every family has a story, and we were humbled to hear new ones this weekend. To walk through the journey with amazing humans who share similar griefs and experiences. They also share immeasurable spirit, love, gratitude and empathy!
Every family has a story.
We get to choose what parts of our journey become the turning points, the climax, the page turners. We get to choose where we place our energy, who we surround ourselves with, who we learn from.
I am thankful for the chance to share life with our CCALS family and grateful that my legs carried me those 7 miles for the 12th year in a row.
I am thankful I get to do this with my family in honor of Gramp. I am thankful he reminded us to NEVER GIVE UP.
I am just thankful!
Much love, Ta xo